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Get your teeth straightened with Invisalign braces by Dr Shirley Leung at our dental practice in the heart of Halesowen town. You can transform your smile without disrupting your life, like the 9 million people worldwide who have already successfully used Invisalign to straighten their teeth. To learn more about our Somers Square Invisalign offers, book an appointment today!

What Are Invisalign Braces?
Invisalign is suitable for adults, teenagers and young children. Invisalign teeth straightening is the comfortable, discreet solution for teeth correction. 

The aligners (braces) move your teeth, little by little, in a precise, controlled manner, towards the desired final position, with the result being perfectly aligned teeth and a great smile.

What Are Invisalign Aligners Made Of?
The aligners used are custom-made, near-transparent, and easily removable – you can take them in and out as you please. They are the improved, modern version of traditional metal fixed braces. 

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign braces use no metal brackets or wires, and, as they’re nearly invisible, others won’t notice that you’re wearing them.

If you’re ready to explore our Invisalign services, book an appointment with Dr Leung today!

Is Invisalign Effective As Traditional Braces?
Absolutely! We offer Invisalign braces as we know just how popular this treatment option is. It is just as effective as traditional fixed braces and can correct many common alignment problems.

Invisalign is also more discreet than traditional fixed braces.  And finally, the removable aligners make it easier to care for teeth.

Shirley can correct all teeth alignment issues using Invisalign. If you have been told Invisalign cannot be used in your case, then book an appointment to see Dr Dave Dehal our inhouse orthodontist.

Dental Issues That Invisalign Can Fix
Invisalign works effectively for a wide range of teeth-straightening issues, such as:

  • Crowded teeth (lack of room for all teeth to fit normally)
  • Widely spaced teeth (extra space within your jaw)
  • Crossbites (upper and lower jaws are both misaligned)
  • Deep bites (upper teeth overlap significantly with lower teeth)
  • Underbites (lower teeth protrude past front teeth)
  • Children’s teeth issues with baby and developing teeth

The Invisalign Process
Having assessed your teeth, Invisalign specialist Dr Leung will discuss with you which option is best for your teeth. We can complete all stages of treatment in our clinic.

Step One
With that decided, the next step is to take a quick scans of your teeth and bite. No need for traditional messy impressions: we simply scan your teeth with our intraoral scanner. 

You can watch as your teeth appear in 3D and full colour. This is one of the perks of Invisalign – the opportunity to see a virtual smile transformation!

Step Two
Using special software, we then show you virtual results. This means you can see the projected result of how your teeth will look when your treatment is complete. So you know what to expect.

Step Three
Then, with one click, Invisalign HQ (in California) receive your digital impressions, and there is no need to lose two weeks by posting impressions and using traditional methods. 

Instead, using their 3D computer imaging technology, they will use your digital impressions to create a precise custom made series of aligners.

Step Four
To fit the aligners, we may use very small SmartForce® attachments, which we create using super clear glass material that keeps your teeth bright and white throughout treatment.

Step Five
You will typically wear each set of aligners for 1- 2 weeks. After that, we check on your progress around every six weeks and provide new aligners each time. Treatment length varies but lasts, on average, 3 to 12 months.

What Is The Average Cost Of Invisalign?
This depends on your individual treatment plan. Invisalign treatment starts at £2,000. During your consultation, we will provide a comprehensive breakdown of treatment costs.

We offer interest-free finance on request to help you spread the cost of treatment.

When you’re ready to begin treatment with invisible braces, Halesowen residents trust Somers Square Dental Clinic for expert care and attention to detail.

Accreditations / Associations

Somers Square Dental Practice are proud to be accredited by and associated with the following endorsements: