Quick Straight Teeth Aligners

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What is Quick Straight Teeth?
Quick Straight Teeth are UK-based and have been in operation for almost a decade. They’ve worked with over 5,000 clients to give them a straighter smile through their network of partner dentists.

The company offers two types of teeth straightening. One system uses clear ceramic braces and the other uses invisible aligners. Whichever you choose, it won’t be all that noticeable that you’re receiving orthodontic treatment – the ceramic brackets are tooth-coloured and the aligners are made of clear plastic.

Quick Straight Teeth focus on the front six to eight teeth so they can offer fast treatments, typically taking just four to six months. This means that they can’t deal with more complicated cases of malocclusion, but they are suitable for mild or moderate crowding or protruding teeth.

Quick Straight Teeth Aligners
Not into the idea of having permanent fixtures on your teeth? Using aligners means you can remove your appliance whilst you’re eating and drinking. They’re less easy to spot when you smile, too, since they’re made of clear plastic that fits over your teeth.

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Aligner Braces Are Made From Clear Plastic
You’ll get a new plastic aligner every two weeks or so and each one will be a little different. As the shape of the aligner changes, it’ll put pressure on your teeth to move into a straighter position. Your chosen dentist will monitor you every two to four weeks through the process.

The convenience of being able to remove your aligners can be countered by the fact that you must wear them for 20-22 hours a day. The 2-4 hours you don’t wear them must be used to eat, drink and clean your teeth. Water is the only thing you can drink when wearing your aligners.

Can I Remove My Aligners
The convenience of being able to remove your aligners can be countered by the fact that you must wear them for 20-22 hours a day. The 2-4 hours you don’t wear them must be used to eat, drink and clean your teeth. The only thing you can consume while wearing your aligners is water.

Is Quick Straight Teeth Effective?
If you have just one or two teeth out of place or need some small cosmetic improvements, Quick Straight Teeth should work just fine. The company has been established a good while now and has a solid history of cases.

If you need significant straightening involving more than just your front six to eight teeth, QST won’t be an effective treatment for you. In this case, you can speak to your dentist about the alternatives like Invisalign clear aligners or another brand of fixed brace. 

How Do I Get Quick Straight Teeth?
Quick Straight Teeth don’t have their own dental clinics in the UK. Please contact Somers Square Dental to book an appointment to discuss your treatment.

The process goes like this:

  • Make an appointment with Anna Mimica who works with Quick Straight Teeth in the UK.
  • During your consultation, the dentist will check your teeth to see if they’re suitable for either fixed braces or aligners. If your teeth are mildly or moderately crowded or protruding, you should be eligible.
  • The dentist will take impressions and photographs of your teeth so that Quick Straight Teeth can plan your treatment.
  • You can ask to see some Quick Straight Teeth before and after pictures from the dentist’s other patients.
  • Before you choose to go ahead, the dentist will explain the treatment recommended, give you a price, and tell you how long you can expect your new smile to take.
  • The dentist orders your braces or aligners from Quick Straight Teeth.
  • You return to have your braces or aligners fitted, and then schedule regular checkups to have adjustments or collect your new aligners.
  • Once you’ve got your selfie-worthy smile, you can discuss your retainer options with the dentist. Retainers will make sure that your teeth stay in their new position rather than drifting back to how they were.

Accreditations / Associations

Somers Square Dental Practice are proud to be accredited by and associated with the following endorsements: