Braces Overview

Fixed metal and ceramic dental braces

Fixed metal and ceramic dental braces, such as Quick Straight Teeth and the Damon System, are orthodontic treatments we offer at our dental clinic, Somers Square Dental, in Halesowen. Also known as ‘train tracks’ or ‘fixed appliances’, fixed braces are the most common type of orthodontic appliance used to correct issues such as crooked teeth, crowded teeth, overbites and underbites.

Fixed braces are often recommended by orthodontists for straightening teeth as they produce very precise tooth movements and provide more control over teeth than a removable appliance. They have a long, proven record of achieving accurate results for patients of all ages.

A fixed brace consists of small brackets bonded to the front of each your teeth. Each of these brackets acts as a kind of handle on the tooth, which can be used to individually and precisely control it’s positioning. A thin wire connects each of the teeth bonded brackets and applies tension to the brackets to gently move and straighten your teeth over time.
They are ‘fixed’ in that once fitted to your teeth, the brackets and wires of the brace will only be removed again by the orthodontist at the end of the treatment plan. This contrasts to removable braces, like Invisalign braces, which you can remove yourself any time.

The modern brackets used for a fixed brace are very different to the historical ones used years ago, the brackets on today’s braces are smaller, less noticeable and more aesthetically pleasing. 

In addition to the standard stainless-steel brackets, which can now be customised with colours, ceramic brackets are available too. Ceramic brackets are the same size and shape as metal ones, but are made to be tooth coloured so as to better blend in with your teeth. Tooth coloured wires are an option too, to make the brace even less noticeable.

There are multiple brands of fixed braces available. Essentially there are standard everyday fixed braces but also specialised self-ligating systems known as the Damon System, produced in The United States of America. Whilst they all essentially perform the same function, there are some differences between them and some may be more suitable for you than others. At your appointment, our orthodontist, after examining your teeth, will outline your options and make a recommendation to you that will best suit your needs.

It will take around an hour for your fixed brace to be fitted. It is a painless process though some discomfort may be felt. For the first few days after the fitting, your teeth and jaw may feel uncomfortable whilst your mouth adjusts to the brace, but this will quickly pass.

It varies on the severity of the issue and how far your teeth need to be moved, but fixed braces typically take 12-24 months to have their complete effect on relining your teeth. Throughout this timeframe, you will need to visit the orthodontist at our dental clinic at 6-8 week intervals so that they can make minor adjustments to the brackets and wires of the brace to keep moving your teeth in the right direction.

You can book online for an orthodontic consultation with our Orthodontist so please drop us an enquiry form or alternatively a member of the reception team will be more than happy to assist you.

Accreditations / Associations

Somers Square Dental Practice are proud to be accredited by and associated with the following endorsements: