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Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure available at our dental practice. It’s the quickest and most effective way to improve the appearance of your smile.

The natural whiteness and brightness of teeth fade over time. Discolouration and staining can occur as a result of dietary habits such coffee, tea, red wine, curry and cigarettes.

The purpose of teeth whitening is to restore your teeth to their natural, white colour. This treatment will allow you to enjoy a glossy and healthy smile that you can be proud of.

Professional teeth whitening treatment can achieve in one hour what toothpaste and mouthwash could never accomplish alone. No matter how hard or long you try, only professional teeth whitening can enhance the shade of your teeth.

With advancements in technology, teeth whitening has never been quicker or more comfortable. As a result, there is minimal risk of increased sensitivity, and your teeth won’t be weaker as a result of the treatment.

We use one of the leading brands, ‘Boutique’. This means we can guarantee both safety and long-lasting results.

You can make your existing colour shades lighter. We’ll show you the different shades and discuss precisely how white you want to go with your tooth whitening plan.

What Products do we Use for Teeth Whitening?
Using the UK’s most trusted teeth whitening brand Millions of people worldwide agree that Boutique Whitening provides the most effective, comfortable and professional teeth whitening experience available.

Boutique Whitening is a premium quality whitening gel that delivers superior results, with a noticeable improvement in just a few days.

Boutique Whitening has been designed to fit in with your lifestyle. Now you can whiten your teeth, your way. You can opt for Boutique By Day, which works with only 1 hour wear time per day. Alternatively, you can choose Boutique By Night and whiten your teeth as you sleep.

Uniquely engineered whitening gel, there are a number of key features that make Boutique Whitening the number one choice for many dentists and patients: Boutique use the highest strength formula available for rapid results, pH neutral gels to protect the teeth and Integrated potassium nitrate to reduce sensitivity a High water content to keep teeth hydrated and Thicker gels to prevent saliva-washout

How to Whiten my Teeth at Home?
Our at-home teeth whitening system is easy to use and can be completed from the comfort of your own home. Tooth whitening is more accessible than ever before, allowing everyone to enjoy the benefits of a stunning white smile.

How do I use the at-home Whitening Kits?
Our at-home kits allow you to whiten your teeth from the comfort of your home in a timeframe that suits you. For optimal results, we recommend using it once per night for at least two weeks. The home whitening kit is simple and easy to use, and we’ll give you complete instructions outlining every step in the treatment. 

In short, it involves the clinician taking an impression of your teeth to create a custom mouthguard, which you then apply a whitening gel to and wear overnight while sleeping. These kits are superior to the off-the-shelves ones available in shops, with better, long-lasting results.

Why Choose Somers Square Dental to Whiten Your Teeth?
Our clinicians can provide expert care and support throughout your whitening journey. Trusting a dentist with your treatment is essential, as teeth whitening carries the risk of long-term damage to your teeth and gums if not applied correctly.

Teeth whitening uses strong chemicals which can penetrate the tooth, oxidise staining particles and flush them out. These chemicals are safe when administered by a dentist but can damage teeth and gums if mishandled.

Teeth Whitening Dentist
Choosing the right dentist to manage your treatment in our dental practice will ensure stunning results with no damage to your teeth or gums.

Using over-the-counter teeth whitening substances is likely to be ineffective, and trusting an unlicensed individual to manage your treatment may lead to severe burns in your mouth. Dehydration of the tooth is also a risk that can easily be addressed when you choose professional, dentist-supervised treatment.

What Can’t be Achieved with Teeth Whitening?
Teeth whitening will only be effective on natural teeth, and some stains cannot be lifted with whitening alone. 

Whitening won’t change the shade of prosthetics such as dental implants, crowns, bridges and veneers. Instead, we recommend a hygienist cleaning to help keep your restorations looking beautiful.

Teeth Whitening Specialist
The results a clinician can achieve are also limited if the discolouration is caused by trauma to the tooth or medications. In complex cases, we can recommend alternative treatments. 

Alternatives to teeth whitening include veneers, crowns and composite bonding. These restorations will conceal complex tooth discolouration issues that cannot be addressed with traditional teeth whitening methods.

The Results of Teeth Whitening
Whitening your teeth at home, no tooth enamel is removed or damaged during the process, and as the procedure is painless, no injections are required. 

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?
The teeth whitening results typically last around three years, but even at that point, your teeth will still be considerably whiter than they were before the treatment.

Accreditations / Associations

Somers Square Dental Practice are proud to be accredited by and associated with the following endorsements: